Thursday, October 22, 2009

Some of the Greatest People

These past few weeks, various conversations have been brought up in different circles, just about people of real substance, people who really stand up for conviction & have charisma like not so many in this world. It make me think about all the people I've known who've been like that. I don't think everyone knows people who are outstanding characters like this, but I've known quite a few!

Here are a few of the people I've been blessed to have in my life: My Grandpa & Grandma...both of them were so stinking cool. My grandpa had unwavering faith, and a quiet wisdom that came out when you needed it, and was witty at just the right times. My grandma was a bit more feisty, but when times were tough she always told me how we just need to trust in God. My great Aunt Helen, though her memory is now failing, is someone who for the most part I'd like to be like. When I was little, I'd stand in awe at her china cabinet full of trinkets from her travels all over the world. She was a photographer, a traveler, an adventurer & was stubborn. Ha. She never had children of her own, but always made us feel special whenever we'd visit.

Some of my friends have shown me how to stand up against discrimination, for doctrine, with dignity, and through death. These are the people you want to speak into your life, the ones who apologetically live out a real faith, fully relying on God & open enough to share when they haven't. Strong enough to admit defeat & humble enough to recognize others' victories. If I could make one thing certain for you, it would be salvation, if I could ask for another, it'd be that you have someone to admire as a real life liver of the gospel & faith.

I hope that one day I can be that to someone. And may you too one day be in someone's "greatest people" list!

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