Monday, February 16, 2015


If anyone's still reading this, please take note that I've moved to a new blog address!!! Woot woot! You can now follow at I've also transferred all my past posts to the new address, so don't worry about missing anything.

This is coming as I'm excited about the new transition and just needed something more for keeping up with everyone! Please follow along! See you on the other side!

Thursday, January 01, 2015

In the beginning

The Beginning of 2015

The end of last year and the beginning of this has been a weird one. I'm sure that many of you have various things that you've said goodbye to in 2014 and many things you're looking forward to starting in 2015! The changes for me in my heart that are resulting in moving to Romania are significant, and painfully numbing. As I look forward to the adventures soon becoming, there are also many goodbyes and things that I'm certainly not enjoying or looking forward to. Today I drove my Dad to the airport to say goodbye until later this Spring, and then later in the day I took my brother to the airport and said goodbye not knowing exactly when the next time is that we will see each other....... These are the things that hurt.

Then I remember the beautiful things that happened in 2014 that have foreshadowed what is to come in 2015. Paying off my college debt, creating freedom to "move about the country" if you will. Starting a year of fasting that has opened my eyes to the strength to be found in the arms of Christ, and Him alone. Becoming someone who is not afraid to take a step of faith and be open with my thoughts and feelings when the reciprocation is unsure. Finding joy in braiding a little girls hair and painting her nails only to have her tell me that she feels like a princess. Being encouraged by friends who unashamedly tell me about my faults in order to help me grow...and being honored when I didn't think I had that kind of influence over someone's life. Celebrating with friends' new adventures themselves, new children, new homes, new decades and great courage.

It has been a while since I renamed this blog to Undaunted, but this year it feels like it's the year that my life will grow to fit the title...or so I hope and believe. As I look to see what God is doing in me and in you and here and there, I'm joyfully hoping to see great and amazing things happen both big and small. Through it all I pray that God would be glorified and honored through every step, every fall, every choice and question.

May this year bring us all great joy as we step into the journey God has for every one.