As I pass from one decade to the next, I thought I’d write a few things down, so here are just a few things that I’ve learned in my 20s. Some are just fun, some are some deep truths that have shaped who I am or will be in my next 10 years. These are in no particular order. Enjoy.
- Learn a good accent....and use it sporadically.
- Give generously...of yourself, your time & your money.
- Take time to breathe or you’ll suffocate yourself on “things” that might not matter.
- Take lots of pictures.
- Learn how to clean a cast-iron skillet the “right” way.
- Sometimes you make plans and keep them for over 10 years, and then change them....and that’s okay.
- Only get a tattoo if it’s something you have really thought through, and that won’t change meaning to you when you’re old.
- If you can, eat good food.
- When deciding between a TV or a kayak, always choose a kayak.
- People shouldn’t get married for the wrong reasons or just on a whim.
- Be ready to give your life for someone else, even if you could save yourself by letting them go.
- Don’t be ashamed to dress up and act silly.
- Believe that God can heal you...and trust Him when He doesn’t.
- You don’t know everything.
- Don’t be afraid to go to a movie by yourself. You won’t literally die.
- It’s okay to let someone else plan things & be in control.
- Starting a business is hard, but worth it.
- You should only do a “once in a lifetime” thing once (Times Square for New Years Eve)
- Go to as many foreign countries as possible.
- When in doubt: wear pearls.
- Become friends with at least a few people that don’t fit your “friend mold”.
- Grief is hard. Denial is worse.
- Forgiveness is worth it.
- Don’t be too prideful to not listen when friends tell you the truth.
- Be the friend that tells the truth.
- Instead of having expectations & being disappointed when they’re not met, make it a point to tell people your expectations and give them a chance to meet them.
- Do not let your life be shrouded with fear. It’s much better to take a chance.
- Love must be sincere.
- Work harder than you thought you could, but rest in knowing your work means nothing when it comes to salvation.
- There is always something to learn, always beauty to discover, always somewhere to explore, so stay watchful and alert.