Monday, December 04, 2006


Hey! I haven't written here for such a long time, that this post will probably be long...bear with me. I went home, on the 7th of November to visit and go to my cousin's wedding. The wedding was gorgeous, and visiting family was fun. I had a great time just "chill'n" with my cousin Chelsea too....that was a highlight. (And also making cream-filled cupcakes with my Grandma!) When I got back to NY, I only had to Nanny one day, and got the other day off.....SWEET! Then, Thanksgiving came, and I had some relatives visiting NY over the weekend. They were staying at a really fancy was a lot of fun visiting with them. They know the city really well, so it was fun to hear their perspective on the city. Also, it was just nice to have relatives/friends to visit with. It gives me a nice break to go out. Oh! And Emily's parents and sister came out for Thanksgiving, so it was fun to see them too. On Thanksgiving, all the church staff went to Adam & Becca's apartment for an early dinner. We all brought something to share. There was about 15 of us, so it was a nice sized dinner....then we played mafia! If you've never played the game, you should...15 people is a good number....or 10....for a nice length of a game. On Friday after Thanksgiving, we had another dinner, with leftovers and had about 40 people at the church. Adam had lined the tables with paper, so that we could color and write what we were thankful for right on the was a lot of fun. We played mafia that night too......but there were so many people that it took FOREVER! It was still entertaining though! ...Okay, so I guess this post wasn't that long, but I will write another post soon about the Christmas tree lighting that I went to....well, I'll write about BOTH Christmas tree lightings. So long for now!