Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sunday School

Today was the first day that Emily and I led Sunday School! I think that it went pretty well...despite us having to ask the kids a few times what usually went next in the program! Whoops. We talked about God is faithful in fulfilling His promises, and we used Abraham as an example. The verse today was Psalm 145:13 "The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving toward all he has made." Yesterday we had the October Pancake breakfast too...
Yum...and I introduced two ladies from the church to peanut butter on pancakes, and they loved it! From now on, I think it will be mandatory to have a bowl of PB on the serving table. Hahaha. Please pray that I continue to learn things here, and that I will connect with more people here who are my age. I am struggling to make good friends here. Also, pray that I will be able to find a flexible part-time job closer to the church, where I can meet and get to know more people from the community.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Go Check the Cookies

Today was so much fun! Monday's are my days off, so I spent it hanging out with Jr. Highers all day. After noon, Kandy came over with her friend Stephanie...I made lunch, and they helped do the last few we ate and talked a lot about issues in the Bible...very cool. Then Stephanie left and Kandy & I made crayon cookies...(Basically way super awesome frosted sugar cookies). After that, we called up some other people...Ian and Gabe, and found James...we all went to the park, and met up with Vincent, Jackie and Willy. After that, we went back to our apartment and played pictionary and X-box. It was so great!(LOL.....this title is an inside joke with my family....I just remembered it.)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Apples & Pumpkins

AHHHH! This day was so much fun. The young adult group from church went to an Apple Orchard, Pumpkin Patch and Dairy Queen in NJ. After so many wrong turns, we made it to our destination, and it was a blast! I had fun hanging out with everyone, some who I hadn't hung out with much, but now we know eachother better. I can't stress how important it is here to make quality relationships with the people all around here. We even had a hay ride! It felt so much like home it was nutz. BTW.....Dairy Queen's Pumpkin Pie Blizzard is AWESOME!