Monday, December 04, 2006
Monday, November 06, 2006
This weekend we did the Saturday school for the first time. We only had 3 kids show up, and one of them didn't speak English! We will be handing out fliers this week so we can get more kids. Overall, it was a trying week, but rewarding too. Tonight a few of us are baking cream-filled cupcakes with gnosh. You can keep praying that I will make solid relationships here, and for the relationship between my "partner in crime" Emily and I. On another note, I'm visiting home soon, so I'm excited about that! Yay....maybe I'll see some of you!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Sunday School
Monday, October 09, 2006
Go Check the Cookies
Today was so much fun! Monday's are my days off, so I spent it hanging out with Jr. Highers all day. After noon, Kandy came over with her friend Stephanie...I made lunch, and they helped do the last few we ate and talked a lot about issues in the Bible...very cool. Then Stephanie left and Kandy & I made crayon cookies...(Basically way super awesome frosted sugar cookies). After that, we called up some other people...Ian and Gabe, and found James...we all went to the park, and met up with Vincent, Jackie and Willy. After that, we went back to our apartment and played pictionary and X-box. It was so great!(LOL.....this title is an inside joke with my family....I just remembered it.)
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Apples & Pumpkins
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Girls' night!
Last night we had a girls' night at our apartment. It was a great way to get to know the girls at our church! We played sleepover games like asking weird questions around the group, making jokes, burping and eating chocolate. (What sleepover would be complete without chocolate?) This morning we woke up ....well Emily, me and Christa woke up around 10am,.....and Irene cooked breakfast (that Emily and I weren't priviledged to eat). THANKS IRENE! And now, Emily and I are chill'n with a girl looking at becoming another UTOPIA missionary. We're having a fun time...and this afternoon, Emily and I are painting Sunday School sets for next week. I'm excited to get started with everything like that. This Sunday we're teaching the Chinese Sunday School for the first time. That should be an adventure. I'll make sure to write about it! Please pray for Emily and I to not feel so overwhelmed right now. Our apartment is the public place for the we don't have a lot of personal space. It's hard some pray for us.
Little Italy Street Fair
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
a tuesday post...
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Moving In
Monday, September 11, 2006
So I finally arrived in NY. It was a long day yesterday, being in airports from 12noon until around 11:30 pm...but I made it without any real problems. Today, I woke up and was out the door by 8:15am, and I went down to ground zero for the 5th anniversary of 9/11. It was really somber there in some areas, and downright angry in others, very patriotic in yet other areas. I took some pictures, so I'll add those soon. We even went to the church that is accross the street, and saw Robin Robbins, and then Diane Sawyer walked out, and before Emily would admit that I was right about who she was, she bumped into me, and the security guard was like "there goes Diana!" (I was right!) Anyway, i'm not unpacked, but soon.....very soon I hope I will be. All summer I've been in a transition phase it seems, and I am ready to be out of that. I want to stay somewhere longer than 2 months...and I really don't want to live out of a suitcase for more than 2 weeks! Tomorow is our first staff meeting, and I have the responsibility to hold devotions....I'm thinking I'll use some of what I heard preached yesterday at Calvary Baptist in Roseville. The message was "Looking Back, Moving Forward. Where are we going?" It was about the model the church should have, what God is calling the church to do now, and the personal response we should have as people making up the church. It was great. I'll let you know how it turns out tomorrow.
Friday, July 21, 2006
Thank you!
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Online Letter
Hi everyone, I thought with my graduation, some of you would want to know what is coming next for me. Maybe some of you didn’t know that I graduated, so this may have been surprise in itself…well read on there’s more!
I will be leaving the second week in September. Please pray for my travel as well as for my family as this is the first time that I will be far away for more than three months. I am excited to know what I am supposed to be doing, and I hope that I will be able to take your encouragement along with me. Please stay in touch as you are all very dear to me. I will do my best to update my blog and respond to any questions or comments as you post them! My prayers are also with you for blessings and joy to come to your home. Thanks for being a part of this ministry!
---Alissa ;-)